Crazy about Dahl

I have a thing about dahl lately. My kids have a thing about dahl lately too! Sons thing is eating 2-3 bowls of it in one sitting, and daughters thing is refusing to eat any at all. Ho hum, you cant win them all.

Did you know you can make kick ass awesome dahl without having a cupboard full of fancy spices?

Let me teach you my base dahl, then you can play around with it and create your own version.

You will need: (No measurements, sorry, I suck, I know!)

  • Lentils
  • 1 onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • tumeric
  • fresh ginger
  • 1-2 tomatoes
  • 1 lemon or lime
  • chilli – optional

for different variations you can add spinnach, chickpeas, paprika, different coloured lentils, carrots…. the sky is the limit 🙂

So, you need lentils. For a starter outer I suggest red lentils. Wash them well and pop them in a large saucepan with water. Id say 2 cups of lentils and 4 of water, add more water if needed. Add about half a teaspoon of tumeric. Bring to a boil and turn the heat down. Red lentils are pretty fast so you can start prepping your other stuff almost straight away.

Finely chop your onion, if you have a kid who thinks onion is poisonous like me, then you can puree the onion in a mini chopper. Its magic. I do this all the time and point blank lie. Works a treat.

Mince your garlic (one of them garlic press majiggys is perfect).

Slice or chop a small amount of chilli, I use red for more colour but use such a minute amount it really doesn’t give much spice at all.  Add the chilli to your garlic pile.

Grate or slice some fresh ginger. I always keep mine in the freezer, so its easy to scrape off the amount I need with a sharp knife. Add the ginger to your garlic and chilli pile.

Cube your tomato. Some say to take the peel off, I dont bother.

Once your lentils are close to done then continue with these final steps.

Add your oil of choice to a frying pan, I use extra virgin olive oil, over low to medium heat fry the onions taking care to not burn them or let them go brown. You want them soft. This will take about 4 minutes. Then add your garlic, chilli, ginger pile. Take extra care now to not let this burn, burnt garlic is not nice.

Once your lentils are done, add all your goodness from your frying pan in to the lentils and also add your tomato. Add salt and squeeze half a lemon or lime in to your dahl.

I like to add a few leaves of baby spinach, it gives such awesome colour.

Once you graduate from this dahl you can start using more grownup lentils and spices if you like 🙂 The one pictured has baby spinach and the lentils are brown and red mix. YUM!

I serve mine with a naughty blob of butter 🙂 You can make it less liquidy and eat it with rice too.

Swedish Coconut Balls!

Yes, I know, this recipe starts out with you doing a double take and going, “coconut balls?????”

All Swedish kids grew up with coconut balls, its not something parents generally make, instead the kids do it, its an activity and a sweet treat all in one. Although in Swedish, kokos bollar doesnt sound so, eeehm…. wrong? lol

Once upon a time some people called this something else that is very very racist, those people are now being told to say chocolate balls instead. Im not sure what all the hu haa is about to begin with, I have always said coconut balls as have most my friends and family. So coconut balls is what you will call them as well 🙂

This recipe will not work if you cant tolerate oats. Make sure you buy proper glutenfree oats and not any old oats, as normal oats can contain a fair amount of gluten.

You will need:

  • 100g butter, room temperature
  • 1.5 dl sugar
  • 3 tablespoons coco powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar (scrap this if you dont have it)
  • 2 tablespoons strong coffee (or water if you dont want to risk making the kids hyper)
  • 5 dl GF oats
  • desiccated coconut, for rolling the balls

The rest is really very simple. Add all the ingredients in a bowl and get your kids to mix it.

Really really mix it, squish, sqash, knead, bash….. until its all mixed. Then roll the mix in to small balls which you then roll in coconut. Once done, refrigerate. Then eat. Or eat as you make it. With a spoon. Then you can skip the coconut too 😛

For a healthier version play around with it, add some coconut oil, chia seeds, less sugar etc. The possibilities are endless.


Then September came…..

September. The month when school starts, the mad rush to get clothes ready books labelled, running around, signing up for activities and….. for us….. pneumonia.

You know that Facebook looking back in time thingy..? In September mine has been filled with memories of Septembers gone, pneumonias. Lots of them with accompanying hospital stays. Hospital stays in Dubai and here in Poland.

So school started, big brother started school. Big brother got a cold. Little sister got a cold, and before we knew it, the pneumonia was a fact. Low oxygen levels, not super low, but low enough….. We did it at home with a supportive dr. and a mummy who knows her stuff. God Im tired.

Hubby is here. We have requested oxygen at home. Its September, a pneumonia already…. we are in for a long winter. Like every winter. Enough is enough. Let us treat her at home.

A year or so ago a dr. mentioned briefly to me that we may be prime candidates for oxygen at home, my thoughts then, NO, WE ARE NOT THAT FAMILY. My thoughts now….? WE ARE THAT FAMILY, GIVE US THE FUCKING OXYGEN!!

I kept her at home this time, through oxygen levels that should have been treated. But how can we put her in hospital every bloody time when they cant keep her safe there? When she cant eat there and when she is exposed to a gazillion germs? When she is so so frightened and agitated. When it puts all our lives on hold and makes everything so so much worse.

Its ok, we will be that family that has oxygen in the home, I really don’t care or mind, we are that family. Just give us the oxygen, please!

This is when I start telling you all how tired I am, but thats like a theme that runs through the entire blog, so let me leave it out this time.

I will say though – before anyone jumps on me – that kiddo was safe. Should be treated yes, but safe. I was in touch with a dr. the entire time and I have monitors at home. Just need the actual oxygen. No jumping please.


Oh sheesh, just read through and I mentioned tired, twice. See how tired I am? lol 😛

A big thank you to my school – a step in the right direction!

A big step for mankind…. well, thats how it feels. So far in Poland I haven’t come across a school with a food policy (the number one question one of those parents ask when looking at schools). Last year I nagged, other parents nagged, many others also nagged, against. As they do you know.

But this September big things happened. There is a food policy. A food policy, an allergy action plan, staff that have all been trained in first aid and trained on allergies and contamination. Eating in class rooms will stop over time, and the school will be nut free. No more birthday cakes at school (YES!!!!!!) There are now standard procedures for kids with “issues” and I no longer have to make my own information leaflets or train staff.

This, this is good for schools. Its amazing. It can only help to make the school better. I am a firm believer in food policies. I am a gigantic supporter of food policies. I was, even before celiac kid was diagnosed. Why? Because I am a human, because I know that even if my kid doesn’t have a food issue, someone else’s kid might. An anaphylactic shock is not something I want any child to experience, or watch.

As one of those mums I might get some dirty looks over the food policy, but I will hold my head up high, and take some credit, not blame. Because a food policy is the right way to go. It teaches our kids about others who may be different, it makes them aware, a world that is aware and considerate. That is a world I want to live in.

Thank you school!
