Swedish Coconut Balls!

Yes, I know, this recipe starts out with you doing a double take and going, “coconut balls?????”

All Swedish kids grew up with coconut balls, its not something parents generally make, instead the kids do it, its an activity and a sweet treat all in one. Although in Swedish, kokos bollar doesnt sound so, eeehm…. wrong? lol

Once upon a time some people called this something else that is very very racist, those people are now being told to say chocolate balls instead. Im not sure what all the hu haa is about to begin with, I have always said coconut balls as have most my friends and family. So coconut balls is what you will call them as well 🙂

This recipe will not work if you cant tolerate oats. Make sure you buy proper glutenfree oats and not any old oats, as normal oats can contain a fair amount of gluten.

You will need:

  • 100g butter, room temperature
  • 1.5 dl sugar
  • 3 tablespoons coco powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar (scrap this if you dont have it)
  • 2 tablespoons strong coffee (or water if you dont want to risk making the kids hyper)
  • 5 dl GF oats
  • desiccated coconut, for rolling the balls

The rest is really very simple. Add all the ingredients in a bowl and get your kids to mix it.

Really really mix it, squish, sqash, knead, bash….. until its all mixed. Then roll the mix in to small balls which you then roll in coconut. Once done, refrigerate. Then eat. Or eat as you make it. With a spoon. Then you can skip the coconut too 😛

For a healthier version play around with it, add some coconut oil, chia seeds, less sugar etc. The possibilities are endless.


Another birthday and Im not ready!!!!

Tomorrow big brother turns 7, can you believe I have a 7 year old son? I certainly cant! Im very exited for him because I know his present will make him super chuffed, but Im stressing about the cake! I have yet to fill my baking equipment cupboard, I don’t have my trusted machines, and I don’t recognise any of the products in the shops! I need a mini chopper, a whisk, tins and pans and baking powder thats certified gluten free and yeast and BREAAAATHEE!!! There is no way I will find any of those things by tomorrow. I need to order most of it from amazon and last time I checked they didn’t deliver that fast. Wish I had been more organised.

So, 2 options then, Swedish chocolate sticky cake or ice cream cake (home made). I just so desperately don’t want my super kid to be disappointed, its hard enough being in a new country and not having any friends yet to invite to a party!

Any ideas for a cake rescue? Gluten free obviously?

