Stress + Food = weight gain!

I am the heaviest I have ever been, I actually weigh more now then I did when I was pregnant! Im not super fat, Im actually not really overweight even, but having always been super skinny I feel like a huge big blob!

60kg, I mean hello? I never thought I would weigh a number like that (I am 162cm).

LCHF was great for me, I started in June last year and quickly lost 2-3 kg, then stalled a bit but kept at it because I felt great. Then cheated lots at Christmas and in January I fell off the wagon completely, not my fault really, I was in hospital with celiac kid and lived on bread. Just didn’t really manage to go carb free again after that. To much stress and with the stress this hunger that can only be “cured” by eating popcorn, quinoa, millet and potatoes. Not the worst carbs in the world perhaps but carbs all the same.

Then the weight gain, aaaagh. Been reading about stress and cortisol and what it does to your body, puts you in fight or flight mode, long term stress has a direct link to belly fat, which is where all my fat sits! So I guess I am forgiven? Things have been so crappy lately I figured if a piece of chocolate makes me feel better then I totally deserve a piece of chocolate… right?

I will go back on LCHF, when Im good and ready, I will also start doing my steps properly again with my fitbit. When you are at home with an unwell kid or in hospital then its hard to go above 3k steps!

For those of you who want some LCHF inspiration, check out my LCHF album on facebook! 


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