Immunology update


I forgot to blog about our most recent hospital stay. I did facebook and tweet about it, but not blog. I do that a lot recently, while I really want to document our journey I also find it hard to write, partly because Im so mentally drained, and partly because writing about it makes it so god darned real.

Im a happy kind of guy (ok, lady), I joke and smile and laugh, thats how I get through life, and that stuff that I feel deep inside, it comes out when I write. So when I don’t write…. its because Im not really ready to let it out.

Well, we went to the hospital, zebra blanket, food, toy box etc all in tow. We got admitted for our 36 hour stay and had all the immunology panels re done.

I still have to wait for the subclasses to come back, but the main classes are in, Her E is up almost to 1500 now (should be below 90), still not high enough for a hyper igE syndrome diagnosis but if it keeps going like this it will be eventually. IgE is allergic reaction, and while her numbers are off the chart there are no allergic symptoms. Her M is up (GREAT!) and so is her A and G, the G is particularly great news as it was very low before and its mid range now. If thats all greek to you then lets just say that all those numbers are representing different parts of the immune system. So while before she was borderline deficient in most, now her numbers are looking better, however, as the igE is so high we are still immunology patients. We were hoping to be signed out of immunology, but nope. First we need to see what the subclasses say (letter should come in a few days), then we must repeat all the tests again in 6-12 months. With the igE the way it is we may very well be immunology patients for life. So, immunology, rheumy and lung. Its ok. Im feeling very positive.

Having said all that, being in hospital was a great experience for me this time, we were in a room dedicated to patients doing infusions for CVID and similar. One young girl came in, around 14-15, she did the whole thing on her own! They arrived at 9, the nurses were there supporting but she infused by herself, she stuck herself, infused, and removed once done. She and her mum left by 12. Not sure if her next monthly infusion will be in her home or not, but I was as proud of her as if she was my own child. How amazing. And we CAN live with these things. Its not so bad! Me and her mum, we needed no language. She saw our Zebra blanket and A’s mask and we were instantly in this club together and her smile told me just how much she was there, really there with me.

All in all, immunology, yup, we are still there, but its ok 🙂 In June we go back to Rheumy, then in July back to Lung. Then – DRUMROLL – In September, kiddo tries to go back to school! Keyword here, tries ….



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